Tragic and fascinating, Doug.

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Thanks, Sarah. I am watching your progress, step by step, along the road with your own book. Great to see.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Douglas Glover

No stranger to these horrific health experiments, it still makes my heart ache reading them. Reading them is necessary, both to prevent history from repeating but also to gain deeper understanding and compassion for how the impact of those actions reverberate today with a justified fear and mistrust of the medical establishment, especially for marginalized communities. The mistreatment does not reside in so distant a past. Sadly, biases and historical traumas affect access to care (among other factors) even today as evidenced by the health inequity gaps experienced by racialized groups, COVID-19 being our most recent, but far from isolated, example. I'm glad to know you are writing about this important subject.

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"The mistreatment does not reside in so distant a past..." Never truer words, I'm afraid. As I write the book, I keep thinking, What are we doing today that is not so different?

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