Feb 22, 2023Liked by Douglas Glover

I am always amazed at the way personal letters can alter our view of ancestors. We have letters written by Ann W. LAIRD Glover to her son and her son's Doctor over the years, the family stories present her as a grim woman nowever once you read these letters you see this enduring mother's love for her son. Really heartbreaking. thanks for the post- glomack@hotmail

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Brenda, Yes, those personal letters are pure gold, especially since most of the photographs that come down to us are black and white and often taken when the person in question was quite well along in life. They tend to look pretty grim. I am quite haunted by the idea that genealogy just gives a framework, not the person. Especially, it doesn't give you any sense of the person at different ages.

Very nice of you to comment here. I gather, from the Ann W. Laird Glover reference, that you descend from Joseph Beemer Glover? I only recently started trying to make some sense of that line. In fact, coincidentally, I think I stuck Ann W Laird into my laptop family tree about two weeks ago.

I am glad to have your eyes on these pieces. That's the only way I will uncover all the mistakes I make.

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Joseph Beemer U.E. is my connection to the Glover line and Ann W is Daniel Glover's wife, I am currently researching Deborah Moore Glover. I don't have the extended family history or stories, just the bare bones so I was delighted to read the family histories you write about.

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Douglas Glover


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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Douglas Glover

Hello Doug, just catching up with you here and discovering that Modernist stream of consciousness did indeed begin well before 1900. It IS sweet. He's talking to Annie in real time, simply spending time with her in his head in a way that's measured out by language. Such an affectionate elaboration of good nights. Aw.

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V, Thank you for this. You always have a refreshingly generous angle of response. And you're right. He is "simply spending time with her in his head." I must go away and think about this idea of spending time with someone in one's head when they are not present.

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Re. Up and down. I got it right. My cousin Michael who lives in Turkey Point (see the map) wrote me in an email: "Just for your information we still use the terms 'up and down' to describe our direction on the lake. And normally it is just us lakers that use these terms because for the sailing crowd they use the same terms to describe the position of a sail boat to the direction of the wind so when our groups get together on a boat it makes the sailing crowd crazy!"

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