Doug: You never fail to intrigue, bu I can top tyour embarrassment over jodphurs. i My dad and I were prepping for a whitewater canoe trip when I was, I'm guessing, 14. The stretch of the water we were paddling (the Unami Creek in western Montgomery Co., PA) bordered a big Boy Scout camp, which was full in summertime.

As we rounded a bend, we saw my mother standing in the water wearing the top of an old two-piece bathing suit and a pair of chest waders to film us with her movie camera. I saw her at fifty yards and prayed, "Don't, God, let there be any Scouts nearby!" Of course a troop of them just at that point could be sen walking upriver, and just as we reached the pool in which she stood, I heard one say, "Jesus! She's smokin' a PIPE too!" Indeed: she was smoking a pipe (!) in the effort to quit cigarettes. I thought I might get lucky, the canoe capsizing and the water instantly drowning me.

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Mar 27Liked by Douglas Glover

clads 4 pads sounds like a good match (cricket pun)

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Mar 26Liked by Douglas Glover

Your mother is a fashionista after my own heart!

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Mar 25Liked by Douglas Glover

Oh, I so wanted that to be a real photo of your mom! The pose is so stylish and confident. Besides, surely there's nothing wrong with attire linked to horses. (OK, spurs might be questionable....)

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